Besides that, i had also used the axonometric projection to explore the interconnection between pairs of my week-one drawing. The shaded areas in the above figure represent the ramps and the meeting space. The details of the shaded areas will be further explained in the next post, " Ramps + Meeting space"
"If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied."
Second is based on a quote by Keith Campbell:
"That's a difficult one. Scientists are asked to referee a lot of papers and to a certain extent we have to believe each other as to the validity of the data.”
Jacques Yves Cousteau: "No aquarium, no tank in a marine land, however spacious it may be, can begin to duplicate the conditions of the sea. And no dolphin who inhabits one of those aquariums or one of those marine lands can be considered normal. "
Keith Campbell: "That's a difficult one. Scientists are asked to referee a lot of papers and to a certain extent we have to believe each other as to the validity of the data.”
This animation shows the section plate cutting through the two stairs, right until the underground darkroom for Tracey Moffat.
In this animation, the three spaces (two studios and exhibition space) are cut horizontally before it is cut vertically. It clearly shows the connection of both stairs to the exhibition space.
In this animation, i want to show the distinctive levels of spaces in my sketchup model by cutting through the building structure spirally
Aboveground Studio - Fiona Hall Word : Fruitful(Adjective)
The word " fruitful" for the upperground studio is inspired by Fiona Hall artwork, Cocos Nucisera. Fruitful is showed through the huge white structure that formed the upperground studio.
Underground Studio - Tracey Moffat Word : Diffident (Adjective)
The word "diffident" for the underground studio is inpired by Tracey Moffat artwork, Planet of the apes. The underground space is getting smaller until the very end, covered with many staircases.
Aboveground Studio- Fiona Hall - The aboveground studio is basically supported by steel frame covered with membrane polymer known as ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE). Besides that, glass has been used to cover the inner part of the structure, allowing natural light to illuminate the space.
Exhibition Space - It is made out of stainless steel cable, with ceramic tiles attached. The space is not fully covered, so that natural breeze and sunlight can run through it.
Underground Studio -Tracey Moffat - The outer structure of the studio is made out of concrete, while the interior structure is mainly made out of timber. In order to neutralize the heavy feeling created by the concrete, most of the side walls have been replaced by thick glass